Campaign JavaScript Callbacks
JavaScript callbacks can be used to perform additional programmable actions based on the campaign’s state.
On Impression
The code will execute when the campaign is visible on the website.
On Event
The code will execute when the campaign is engaged in some way, such as clicking the submit button.
On Close
The code will execute when the campaign is closed by user action.
Reporting to Google Analytics
You can add a custom code to apply additional logic for tracking the campaign’s performance and pushing it to the Google Analytics report.
On Impression
dataLayer.push({ event: 'interaction', category: 'FLuentos Campaign', action: 'Impression', label: 'campaign-identifier',})
On Event
dataLayer.push({ event: 'interaction', category: 'FLuentos Campaign', action: 'Click', label: 'campaign-identifier',})
On Close
dataLayer.push({ event: 'interaction', category: 'FLuentos Campaign', action: 'Close', label: 'campaign-identifier',})